About People's Action for Development
The vision, mission and goals of our work with Adivasis and other marginalised communities in Assam, India.
Our Vision
We visualise an equal and just society where people strive to live a healthy life in a clean environment.

Our Mission
We seek an equal and just society through the empowerment of marginalised Adivasis and tribal people: by organising them into self-help groups, building their capacity, enabling them to utilise available resources and creating awareness about the environment.
Our Goals
Increase literacy rate through formal and non-formal education
Promote and organise self-help groups in rural and tea garden areas
Support disaster preparedness through the formation of village disaster management committees
Link rural and tea garden people to government support schemes
Promote and support cottage industries in rural and tea garden areas
Provide health awareness and protect the environment
Facilitate skill development training for village youth
Empower people to participate in local governance